You might ask why you would ever want to learn how to mix bass for smartphone speakers? Most music lovers listen on earbuds nowadays. The next most common system for most is probably a decent home systems like a Sonos. The only person that really spends a lot of time playing their music through their iPhone or Android speaker is that person on the Bus blasting out their tunes. Why should we help them?
How to Sidechain Guitars Without Losing Attack
Sidechaining is often used in mixing and production to duck or dip an element to make room for another. Here we’ll look at how to sidechain guitars without losing their attack.
How I Made This Beat #1
Here’s a quick look at how I made this funk beat. I wanted to try an idea somewhere between Bruno Mars, Pharrell Williams Neptunes work and Calvin Harris Funk Wav tracks.
Mixing Kick and Bass
One of the biggest challenges when mixing Kick and Bass is getting them to work well together. They are competing for power in the same frequency range yet both need to hit hard in a modern mix.
How to Mix a Rhodes part for More Impact
Here’s a quick tip on how to mix a Rhodes part or Keys part for more impact in your mix. This concept works great for any keys instrument as a MIDI part.