One of the best ways you can make your productions come to life is by adding real recorded percussion instruments. With this in mind, it’s important to know how to mix live tambourine, shakers and any other instruments you might have in your studio.
Pro sounding Vocals using Manual Automation
One of the hardest things to achieve as a producer and mixer is pro sounding vocals. A brilliantly produced vocal can make all the difference. It can change an average sounding beat into a gripping piece of art, a dud demo into a proper party banger.
How to make Snares Fat without Plugins
This tip is an example of how to make Snares fat without having to resort to more mixing and Plugins. It’s a technique used by big names in the Electronic Music world such as Madeon, Mat Zo and many others.
How to Make Guitars Sound Wide
In this post we are going to look at how to make guitars sound wide in a funk track. Wide guitars can be a great tool to make a mix sound bigger. This is often achieved by doubling the guitar part and panning the copies extreme left and right.
Left and Right Brain in Music
Left and Right brain theory is the idea that we are either logical or creative thinkers. How can we best use our Left and Right brain in music creation?