This tip is an example of how to make Snares fat without having to resort to more mixing and Plugins. It’s a technique used by big names in the Electronic Music world such as Madeon, Mat Zo and many others.
How to Make Guitars Sound Wide
In this post we are going to look at how to make guitars sound wide in a funk track. Wide guitars can be a great tool to make a mix sound bigger. This is often achieved by doubling the guitar part and panning the copies extreme left and right.
Check your Kick and Bass level visually
You should always trust your ears when you check your kick and bass level. However a visual tool can help you get another perspective on what is happening in the low end.
How to get a tight Kick drum sound with LFO Tool
A tight kick drum sound can really help the low end of your mix. One way to achieve this is using LFO tool by Xfer Records.
Multiband tip for Mixing Guitars
Here is a really quick Multiband Compression tip for mixing guitars that can help your recorded guitars sit better in a mix. When a track is made up of more VST synths and less organic instruments it can be challenging to make a raw guitar part sit well in the sonic space.